20 December 2012: More Red!

I forgot I hadn’t taken in any of my winter skirts! I need to do that asap – this safety pin look is so 2011.


JCrew Jackie cardigan in cerise, JCrew camisole, Gap wool skirt, Hue leggings, unknown pin, illusion choker, gift bow hairband, Liz Claibourne boots

Yep. I am totally wearing a gift bow from Walgreens, attached to a hairpin, in my hair.

SNOW TODAY! So they say. They say it’ll change to snow around 4, and then get super windy (50mph) and heavy snow around 9 – which is, natch, the time I leave work today. Couldn’t at all happen on a night where I could enjoy it! I decided to walk instead of drive, which could be a stupid decision, but I don’t like driving in snow. I have visions of a Little House on the Prairie/Long Winter thing going on – trying to navigate by buildings in blowing snow, getting turned around, being lost forever on the plains of South Dakota, etc etc.  Luckily we lack for plains in my neighborhood, right? Or else with my sense of direction, I probably would be lost forever!!

Things that make me smile this time of year:

All I Want For Christmas is You, Sign Language style:

I defy you not to smile!!

Remember WENN’s Christmas special:

Anyone else watch this in the 90s? It was on AMC, set in a radio station between 1939 and 1941. I loved it, and I especially love their Christmas episode, which you can watch on YouTube. I liveblog this every year on Facebook.

*NSYNC and Gary Coleman, rocking it out with Santa. For realsies.


Also, just audio, but their other song, Under My Tree:

Or, as my friends and I have dubbed it, The Pervy Santa Song. Seriously. Santa does not want to see what you have going on under that tree, Justin.

And in non-Christmassy things, two songs from White Christmas:

Best dance sequence! I love it so much.

And the best one of all:


What do you think?