About Miss Lady Librarian

Hi! My name is Shelley, and I’m a 30-something children’s librarian. In the last year or so, I’ve started reading a lot of everyday style and fashion blogs, and was inspired to take my own outfit pictures for inspiration and ideas.
My file is getting pretty big and it’s unorganized, and, well, I’m a librarian – I like organization! So I decided to start a blog to catalog my outfits – what I like, what I’d change, what I’ll try again. I’ll also be keeping track of wishlists, favorite nail polish (and possibly other Lush beauty products) and other related things.

Right now, at the start, this is mostly for me, but I am hoping that I am able to meet some cool people and inspire others like I’ve been inspired.

Thanks for stopping by!

12 thoughts on “About Miss Lady Librarian

  1. would it be silly for me to say how proud I am of you? it seems like such a cool step but one that old-you may not have done. And you look ADORABLE. I’m so excited to follow along on your clothing adventures. πŸ™‚ {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}
    (and E says “she looks like a real grown-up librarian”!)


  2. Not silly! It means a lot, actually. {{HUGS}} Thank you. I’m looking forward to having fun with this and hope you like it, too. And hee, thanks, E. πŸ™‚


  3. Hi!!! My friend shared this with me on facebook and I’m impressed! I am 23 and just finished (erm…this December) my bachelors in ILS. I recently gained quite a bit of weight due to some health problems and I NEVER know what to wear. I’ve always said I was geek chic…with my glasses, fuschia forearm crutches and bright green shoes so when my friend saw this she HAD to share it with me.



  4. Dear Shelley:

    Hello. It was fun seeing you express yourself creatively through your fashion sense. You have a very fun spirit and great taste in clothes. I can’t help thinking that we might be related. How much Polish, Irish, German do you have in you?



  5. Thanks, Steve! So, I must ask – was it my spirit and fashion sense that makes you think we’re related? πŸ˜‰ But yes, I do have a lot of Polish, Irish and German in me!


  6. Shelley:

    Ha-ha. I’m a cartoonist/animator as a hobby and I’ve always been drawn towards fun people who are well-dressed. No, I certainly wasn’t thinking “damn she almost dresses as good as I do.” =)

    After appreciating your fashion-bug-ness, I did think “OMG, we totally have to be related,” and this was in regards to facial features. Ever listen to that old Edie Brickell song where she says: “Somewhere in a far-away place there’s someone with a face that looks just like you”? But I suppose you might not be in a far away place?

    We should chat tho. artofsteve(at)yahoo(dot)com for a brief rated-g chit-chat?


  7. thank you so much for a mention on this post.very sweet of you.
    I love your outfit.it is adorable.love those saddle shoes and the white bobby socks are darling with them on you.what a fun work look


  8. Love your fashion blog!! I notice your a fan of things retro, 40s-50s. Your style is so cute and love how you don’t shy away from wearing coloured tights. I love the saddle shoes and I am a big fan of Keds as well. Your navy Keds would look great with a pair of red or burgundy tights as well. Oh and you might want to get a pair of these they are great to wear with Keds as well. http://www.buycostumes.com/p/21742/lace-ruffle-ankle-socks-white


    • Thanks, Amy! I am definitely a fan of all things retro. Great idea about the Keds and tights – I hadn’t thought of that, but I will definitely be trying it. And ha – I was actually looking at a very similar pair on Sock Dreams last week! I went with lace anklets instead, but one of these days I probably will grab a pair of those, too.


What do you think?