4-8 February 2016: The Theater

I realized that I had an anthropologie dressing room post from DECEMBER still in drafts. Whoops! I added in some stuff from a visit on Saturday and will try to get that out in the next week or so.


Coldwater Creek dress, Old Navy sash, Mickey necklace, Doctor Who bracelet, leggings, Crown Vintage booties

I have too few dresses with long sleeves. I wish people sold dresses with long sleeves.

sweater, JCrew Jackie cardigan, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Merona socks, Doctor Who bracelet, Black Widow necklace, Clarks

Another filming day! Not sure how many more nicely fitted tops I actually own, ha. There’s nothing like a shot of red in a grey winter day, though.

Anthropologie Noon and Night dress, Gap top, tights, vintage choker and brooch, bracelet, Clarks

I saw Beautiful, the Carole King musical, and it was amazing. The book had fantastic one liners and was so full of heart, the singing was infectious and well performed, and it was just a delightful thing. I had a huge grin on my face the whole time. And then I went to get the Official Cast Recording and it was so bad. So devoid of life and emotion. I was so disappointed.


Kohls Captain America Love top, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, JCrew Jackie cardigan, heart brooch, Bass saddle shoes

It was my day off, but I headed to one of our local retirement homes for an intergenerational craft program for seniors and preschoolers. It was amazing. And this is the only shirt I have with a Valentines theme, ha. I bonded with one of the seniors over how hard it is to break in saddle shoes!

The Beautiful stage:

Loved the great colors, and I had that piano in school all my childhood. So fun.

Also, this week was greatly important because it was Paczki Day! My department ordered a bunch and we all ate way too much, ha. I had quarter pieces of custard, strawberry, lemon and apricot. Yum.


20-22 January, 1-3 February 2016: Catching Up

I am so behind after my trip. I’m super scattered, things aren’t getting done and it’s so frustrating. Work wifi won’t let me upload photos at work, which tends to be my routine, so blurgh. But even as I’ve been feeling so out of sorts, the weather has been decent so I’ve at least been dressing well. Huzzah.


Collage lace shirt, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Outlander necklace, Hawkeye bracelet, Merona socks, Clarks

My mom picked this top up for me at an indie store near her, and I love the colors. It’s such a cheery print, and the lace is lovely. It’s complemented by my Hamilton pin, obvs (I picked some up for all my coworkers, as we are all obsessed).


Junk Food Captain America tee, Old Navy Flirt skirt, JCrew Jackie cardi, Hawkeye pin, tights, Clarks

This was where I decided that I’ve missed skirts. I really, really have. Jeans are comfy and can be cute, but I feel so much more me in skirts and dresses. I’m going to try and find a better balance–as long as the weather stays above 20.


Gap top, Old Navy Flirt skirt, JCrew Jackie cardigan, Old Navy tights, Hawkeye bracelet, Outlander necklace, Clarks

One of my coworkers for the past 9 years has departed for a library in sunny Cali. I’ll miss him. But I’ll never really forget how he reacted the first time I wore this cardigan, complaining about being blinded and such. For several minutes on end. It was a fitting goodbye.


French Connection heart top, Insight pencil skirt, Hawkeye bracelet, tights, Bieviel t-strap heels

I didn’t mean to go so Valentiney, but I fell in love with how it looked. And how it felt! I’ve avoided this skirt because it’s so fitted, but it actually fit very comfortably all day. That was a delightful discovery. Ahhh, retro style. I love you so.


Gap sweater, Anne Klein skirt, Captain America bracelet, Tardis necklace, Nordstrom tights, Clarks

My coworker told me I looked like the Library Lady from All of a Kind Family, hee. I do adore this skirt, and don’t wear it nearly enough. It’s awesome retro and I love the flounce. A perfect outfit for watching Agent Carter, yes? This season has been such a delight–much lighter than last year, and I do miss New York, but seeing all these kickass women with varying shades of morality is just fantastic.


H&M polka dotted dress, H&M cardigan, Outlander necklace, tights, Clarks

Okay, this one might have been a misstep, with the tight/shoe combo. But I love this dress and it makes me smile.


Closeup on the new Outlander necklace–I subscribe to FanMail, the monthly subscription box for lady nerds, and this was in the February box. They’re replicas of Claire’s two wedding rings, from Frank and Jamie. The box isn’t always filled with things I like, but there’s usually at least one I gravitate towards, and this month had a few cool things. Next month has XFiles, Jessica Jones and more, so I am quite excited to see what we get!

16, 18-19 January 2016: Quick Post

Cold! So cold! And I’m headed for a week off. I didn’t have time to post details n this post, I’m in the app and its not working well, but I will be back in about a week with some awesome pics!


New Elsa tee!


This is a sweater over cashmere, plus I had on my shawl and mitts all day and was still cold. I was quite the sight…

I got this from Modcloth in my last order and liked it, but now it’s fitting wonky. What is with the waist? But I like the style so I’ll keep trying. It was way too cold to wear this, but I wanted something vaguely 40s to celebrate the return of Agent Carter that evening. Such an amazing premiere!! Can’t wait for this season.

11-14, 16 January 2016: TOO COLD

The weather is seriously inhibiting my style. I have such great new things to wear, and it’s too cold to wear them. Today, my phone chimed at 10:30am to let me know it had finally gone above zero!


Anthropologie tee, Old Navy Sweetheart skinnies, Free People cardi, Tardis bracelet, Winter Solider necklace

I was wearing bootie, but was too lazy to put them on after my walk home in snow boots. It was super cold, like, 8 degrees, but there was this gorgeous sparkly light snow falling and I felt like I was heading home through Bedford Falls. So worth it.


cashmere turtleneck, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Crown Vintage booties

I very very very rarely wear turtlenecks. I hate them, actually–all that tightness around my neck. No fun. But this one isn’t bad. And it’s warm, which was important. I think I’ll keep it.


Gap tunic, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, pointsettia socks, Captain America sweater clips, Clarks

Also warm. The shield are a little silly with this neckline, but I was trying to emulate a necklace. And also something to smile about on a stressy day.


anthropologie Emperor’s Kiss sweater, JCrew skirt, tights,  Natasha Hawkeye necklace, Bass Heritage boots

I just couldn’t bear jeans again!!! I needed a skirt day desperately, and I knew I’d be driving. happy sigh.


Alas, it was also the day we learned that Alan Rickman had died, so I pulled out my Harry Potter pin in memoriam. I don’t actually think Snape was anything resembling a good guy, but he was played beautifully in the films.

We had a great icy snow this weekend, too:




I always love when snow lines tree branches, but ice lined in the sun is pretty spectacular.

My mom and I also went for pedicures and I ended up with a super pretty pink!! OPI’s Cozu-melted in the Sun.


I had last Friday off, and while I intended to be productive, I actually spent a lot of the day watching Agent Carter before the second season premieres and drinking tea, while curled under my Tardis blanket. I gotta say, it was awesome.



2, 4-7 January 2016: New Year

I’ve had this in drafts for a week now, oops. I’ve been crashing and sleeping early. I am hoping to step up my outfit game, but it’s so much harder when it’s cold! Last week wasn’t too bad, but we’re on day three of negative windchills. Brrrrr.

A new part of my job this year is filming videos. See if you can guess which days I planned to film. You’ll be noticing many of these days every month!

Limited striped tee, Old Navy Flirt skirt, Limited bolero cardi, Old Navy tights, Converse

I swear, I didn’t think anyone would show for my Jan 2 storytime, but they did and it was amazing and I looked cute. And yes, this was a filming day.


Charlotte Russe bow back tee, Old Navy Sweetheart skinny jeans, JCrew cardi, Winter Soldier necklace, Captain America bracelet, Crown Vintage boories

I love a good stripe with red. Makes me happy. And yep, another proposed filming day.


Coventry cashmere sweater, Old Navy sweetheart jeans, Agent Carter necklace, Captain America bracelet, Crown Vintage booties

I’ve had this sweater since high school, I think. Maybe early college. We’re talking at least 13-17 years. And I swear, I don’t think I’ve worn is 13-17 times. I like how it looked with the jeans, I think. I should do it more.

Not a filming day, though I did seem to still take the time for makeup. Go me!


Modcloth plaid dress, Gap tee, Agent Carter necklace, Captain America bracelet, fleece lined tights, Clarks shoes

I really liked how this turned out. I was sort of aiming Clara Oswald from Doctor Who, but heard a lot of 60s schoolgirl. Which I guess is Clara’s aesthetic, so I probably hit it.


High low top, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Winter Soldier necklace, Hawkeye bracelets, Clarks shoes

It was a chilly day, and a filming day. You can see the makeup and fitted clothes that made up my week of filming. Did I film any of these days? Only the purple. Get used to seeing these tops. 😛

Speaking of work, someone posed the Eleventh Doctor:


He looks right over into my desk, ha.

Also, yes, I have a very eclectic collection of things on my desk.


My new coworker went ice skating with me! It was her first time ever, and I was afraid I pushed her into it, but she had a ton of fun and it’s going to be a regular thing now. Yay!

Check out my awesome Christmas present from my friend KC:


I need to find the perfect vintage/retro outfit to wear them with!!!

14-18, 21 December 2015: Christmas Colors

Final post before the holidays! I think I’ve finally got everything. Done all that’s left is wrapping, reading Christmas novels and watching Christmas movies. Whew!


Forever 21 Peter Pan collar sweater, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Captain America sweater clips!!!!!, jingle bell bracelet, Bass saddle shoes

Check the amazingly awesome gift from my friend! I had to pick a sweater that made it easy to show off my shields. How cool and creative is that??


Gap tee, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, olive cardigan, jingle bell bracelet, Avengers charm bracelet, Bass saddle shoes

Christmas tree colors, ha. Picked this cardi up at a swap and I like it. Also, woe, my Avengers charm bracelet lost Widow during a particularly energetic rendition of Wimoweh with shaker eggs! The company is going to fix it, though, yay.

Gap sweater, White House Black Market sparkle sweater, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Clarks

I shake my head over this sweater every year. I love the sparkles, but it’s an awkward length and hard to find things to wear it with. And yet every year, I persevere. It looks OKAY. Just not GREAT.

Gap sweater, anthropologie embroidery skirt, Victoria’s Secret leggings, vintage brooch, Jingle bell bracelet, gift bow barette, Clarks

I have a narrow window of about three months to wear this winter white skirt. It’s always more stiff than I remember, but I love the pattern and doodads, so I keep returning to it.


Ann Taylor tie sweater, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, vintage brooch, snowflake necklace, jingle bell bracelet, Crown Vintage booties

Another hard to style top! It’s a little boxy, but it looks better with jeans than it does with skirts, I think. I should remember that.


Anthropologie dress, Old Navy tights, Agent Carter necklace, jingle bell bracelet, clarks

Christmas lunch with my friend! Geez, I love this dress. I’ll be overdressed wearing it to work, but whatever. Wouldn’t be the first time, I guess.

While shopping after lunch, we stopped at the Disney Store. OF COURSE. And just look what I found!!!!

A ladies cut Captain America tee! The Disney Store is finally realizing that women like the Avengers!!! Of course, I bought it. (And because it was 2 for $30, I also got a new Elsa shirt. Can’t have enough snow queen tees.)

On the way out, a lady was bemoaning the lack of Widow merch in the Avengers section. I very happily pointed her towards the tshirt section, where she was on TWO TOPS. And one of them involved Clint, too! And then we high fived when I told her about the Cap shirt, ha. It was an unexpected fun thing to meet another Clintasha fangirl who also buys everything she’s on, ha.

Speaking of, I had fun making holiday cards this year. To wit:


I later redid the Shield one to include a santa hat on the eagle, too, ha. I made some great new comics friends this year and I wanted to show them my appreciation!

I’ll be back next week with a round up of my 2015 Reading Challenges–I may yet finish the last one!

Wishing you all a very happy holiday season!!! xoxo

7-12 December 2015: Christmas Adventures

Hurtling towards Christmas now, so expect to see a lot of red and green through this post and the next!


Merona sparkle bow sweater, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Avengers charm bracelet, Converse

And pink. Every year, I take a day to visit the city and all it’s Christmas fun, and while I usually try to dress nice, this year I didn’t bother. I didn’t have tickets anywhere and I was going to wear my coat all day, so sweatshirt it is. it was a fun day, pics below, plus I spent time with a friend and found a new-to-me bookstore that I fell for. Yay.


striped tee, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Winter Soldier necklace, Avengers charm bracelet, White Cliff flats

I thought I was doing some filming, so I dressed nicely up top! And then we didn’t. Oh, well. Always fun to wear this shirt. Though it was chillier that day than I thought, and I did miss socks, ha.

JJill tank, Anthropologie cardigan, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Natasha arrow necklace, Crown Vintage booties

Man, I adore this cardigan. It’s such a perfect fit and so awesomely retro. I definitely need to wear it more.


sequin sweater, Old Navy flirt capris, Forever 21 leggings, Avengers charm bracelet, Clarks flats

And then it went up to the 60s. In December. SO WRONG.


Disney Inside Out tee, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, H&M cardigan, Mickey necklace, gift bow barrette, Merona socks, Clarks

I was so excited to find the tee on sale! I loved the movie, and It’s Complicated just makes me laugh. But the quality is not up to Disney par – it’s thin and short and the seam on one side is already frayed with one wear. BOO.


Modcloth Story of Citrus dress, H&M cardigan, Old Navy tights, snowflake necklace, vintage brooch, jingle bell bracelet, gify bow barrette, Clarks

New dress!! I put in a black Friday weekend order and I am madly in love with all the pieces, but this one is best by far. I feel so 40s in it! It was the perfect dress to wear for my annual Christmas adventure with my friend, which this year was a trip to see a double feature of White Christmas and It’s A Wonderful Life. We had a super magical day, where everything went perfectly, and it was just a blast.

City adventures: I shopped Macy’s for cute replacement hats for the one left behind in Colorado. Alas, gold is not a popular color. I found these, though, that I liked a lot:



And of course I had to check out the holiday windows. Hi, Sally!

And a stop at the Christmas market is a must. Currywurst and fries made a perfect lunch.


Yay Christmas!

29, 30 November, 1-4 December 2015: Fancy

Ugh. Unintentional break–we were interviewing for a new librarian, which was exhausting, and everything sort of piled up. I’m going to try really hard to catch up this week.

Karen Hallion Back for the Last Dance tee, Gap boyfriend cardigan, Old Navy sweetheart skinny jeans, Crown Vintage booties

FINALLY TeeFury sent me my shirt!!! They’ve been having major problems the past few months, which doesn’t bode well for them. 😦 If only they’d explained the new distributor when things started slowing down. But I love my shirt and it makes me super happy.


tee, Kate Spade skirt, JCrew Jackie cardi, Old Navy tights, Avengers charm bracelet, Sephora arrow barrette, Clarks

Day one of interviews, we dressed nice, ha. This is a new top from a clothes swap, and it’s so cute.


Anthropologie top, Old Navy Flirt skirt, BP cardi, Old Navy Tights, jingle bell bracelet, Winter Soldier necklace, Clarks

Day two of interviews, we were all more casual, ha. I cannot for the life of me remember why I chose to wear my jingle bracelet. OH! No, I do. It’s why I’m in green and white, too – my friend came over after work for pizza, Flash and Shield and tree decorating. ❤


JCrew Factory striped dress, Limited crop cardigan, Old Navy tights, Mickey necklace, Avengers charm bracelet, Hawkeye bracelet, Crown Vintage booties

Rocking the purple, so had to do a mini Marvel party arm. Last day of interviews, back to dressy! I super love the length of this cardigan, I really need more like it.


JCrew snowflake tee, Old Navy Sweetheart skinnies, H&M cardi, Avengers charm bracelet, Bass boots

Celebrating no interviews with jeans! And snowflakes, because outside of the major snowfall in November, there’s been none. Woe.


Daisy tee, Old Navy Sweetheart skinnies, Modcloth Airport Greetings cardigan, Avengers charm bracelet, Hawkeye bracelet, Converse

Dressing comfy for staff day, with lots of sitting. Another new swap top.

Behold: my Christmas tree.


It was so nice having a friend to decorate with this year!! And after that episode of Shield, especially, we needed the fun distraction of cute holiday decor, ha.

Check my newest ornaments:

Disneyland 2015, from my February trip, plus Cap and Hawkeye. ❤ ❤ ❤

Also, randomly, demonstrating my mom’s awesome new hat. With bluetooth speakers built in.


Looks like a normal hat, but I was totally hearing Adele sing Hello right into my ears. AWESOME.

23-25 November 2015: Red Velvet

So one of my stops at the mall last week was Sephora, where I picked up these awesome rose gold arrow bobby pins, super Kate Katie Hawkeye, AND a Besame Cosmetics lipstick set. I already own the lipstick Red Velvet from 1946 (used by Peggy Carter on Agent Carter), but I picked up the lipstick matchsticks. You guys, they are amazing. It just glides on so perfectly, not too heavy at all. I liked it better than the lipstick tube. It stayed put all day, even through lunch and meetings. And I really needed some Peggy Carter strength, so I was happy to rock it this week. I tried over the summer, but it felt too dark; I think it’s more of a winter shade of red for me, maybe. Or maybe I was putting it on too heavily with the tube and I need to work on that.


Modcloth dotty sweater, Old Navy sweetheart skinny jeans, Avengers charm bracelet, Crown Vintage booties

This sweater came in a Modcloth surprise package, and I like it. It’s way more normcore than I’d pick myself, but it’s cute and I like polka dots. Win.


JCrew sweater, JCrew houndstooth skirt, fleece lined tights, Agent Carter necklace, Avengers charm bracelet, Clarks

Doubled up on the Agent Carter stuff to remind myself that I know my value! I’ve loved this sweater/skirt combo in the past, but it didn’t quite gel for me this time. Sweater didn’t hang right, maybe?


Junk Food Captain America tshirt, Old Navy sweetheart skinny jeans, H&M cardigan, Avengers charm bracelet, Crown Vintage booties

The Captain America: Civil War trailer dropped last night, so I watched when I first woke up. It was good, super heartbreaking, but good — even if it didn’t include the Crossbones footage I really wanted to see and hear. 😛 But I am solidly Team Cap, even if Tony broke my heart in the trailer, so I had to pull out my Cap tee in celebration. With Red Velvet lipstick to celebrate Peggy, too.

I am off to my family for Thanksgiving and a long weekend, so I will see you all next week. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

17, 18, 20 November 2015: Snow!!! Proper Snow!

Last week was pretty much a lost week. I walked through the days foggy and exhausted, and on Wednesday, had to do that while doing two programs and a desk shift. It was rough. I just sort of grabbed clothes and hoped for the best. And then came Saturday. ❤


Her Universe Doctor Who dress, Loft cardigan, Forever 21 leggings, Tardis necklace, Avengers charm bracelet, Owl socks, Clarks

We hosted a coding class for tween girls, so I wanted to dress nerdy and fun. Doctor Who seemed appropriate. Also, owls and cardi match. Yay.


Gap sweater, Old Navy sweetheart skinnies, Gap boyfriend cardi, Felicity Smoak necklace, Black Widow bracelet, Merona socks, Clarks

Totally exhausted. So so exhausted.

I had Friday off and hit the mall with a friend and her baby. It was finally chilly, and everything was decorated and it was so so lovely. I also picked up some Disney tshirts half off – Joy and Sadness from Inside Out saying It’s Complicated, and an Avengers men’s shirt that –omg– had Natasha AND Clint on it!!! Will wonders never cease? I enthused mightily to the sales lady.

And when we stepped outside of the restaurant after dinner, our first snowflakes were just starting to fall. ❤ ❤ ❤  It snowed all night and I woke up to about an inch on the grass, though the sidewalks and streets were pretty clear. It’s rare for our first snowfall to also be a proper snow, and I decided to celebrate:

Elsa tee, Forever 21 plaid skirt, H&M cardigan, Avengers charm bracelet, fleece lined tights, Clarks

I walked to work in a winter wonderland, put together a snowy day storytime, went on a lunchtime snowy walk, and then no one came to storytime. It started getting super messy around lunchtime, when we switched to lake effect snow, and the driving got scary. Sigh. But it was beautiful.

(Yes, some of our trees still have leaves, and some of them are still green. It’s been a weird weather autumn. See above bare legs.)




See how it picked up and got heavier as the day went on? I went on one last walk after work, but the snow was over and it wasn’t much fun without holiday lights to shine on the snow.

But I did get this gorgeous Bingo Baby pic from my mom: